Welcome to the Adelaide Youth Orchestras!
From primary through to university; from junior to senior ensembles and beyond, we encourage a lifelong interest in and love of music and to give musicians the opportunities to develop to their maximum potential.
Members enjoy weekly rehearsals, coaching and tutorials by leading musicians, along with other special arts activities. All orchestras and ensembles perform in public concerts, along with schools and community concerts in and around Adelaide. Our schools program now also includes regional touring.
We aim to have fun making music and to give members an opportunity to develop their orchestral musicianship skills and to make lifelong friends along the way.
Membership is granted to AdYO players aged 8 to 24 for the year they are accepted into an ensemble, with AGM voting membership help by parents for players under 18. Click here to learn more about joining AdYO as a player.
Not a player or parent but want to contribute to Adelaide Youth Orchestras?
Join the AdYO family and support our work here!